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ARCs will be sent out around the middle of April.

When are they due in?
Ideally, as soon as possible, but I don't have a concrete date in mind.

Will I receive a physical ARC or an eBook?
All ARCs are sent out in eBook format.

What if my circumstances change and I can't finish the ARC?
No problem at all. You're free to change your mind at any time, for any reason.
What if I think the book is shit?
Again, no problem. I've thought that about plenty of books. You're still free to share your review (although if you could wait until a couple of weeks after the release date, that'd be great).

Where do I post my review?
Wherever you like. Amazon won't accept reviews for a book until after its release date (in this case, the 23rd April), but everywhere else is fair game.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions!

Stevie x

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